Free JavaScript books, Node.js UDP Permission Model support & Performance gains, new dotenv secrets solution​

​​Dr. Axel Rauschmayer shares his collection of free JavaScript books​

dr axel rauschmayer free javascript books


​Rafael Gonzaga tee up upcoming UDP support in Node.js permission model​

​Yagiz Nizipli continues the performance quest for speed gains in fs.existsSync() on Windows​

​Remember the North Korea malware on npm?​ — North Korean state hackers compromise npm supply chain with malicious packages back in December 14th, last year. The crypto thieves exploited the Ledger Connect kit library published to npm, stealing $600k before detected.

​Installing Playwright on Heroku for Programmatic Node.js Browser Automation​ — Getting Playwright to work on Heroku wasn’t smooth sailing.

​Manage secrets with dotenv? Try dotenvx​ — The maintainers of dotenv, the popular .env secrets file project for Node.js is building a pro-version called dotenvx to improve workflows and secrets management for developers.


​Node.js for Beginners, 2024 by Ulises Gascon​ — A comprehensive guide to building efficient, full-featured web applications with Node.js, authored by Express maintainer and Node.js collaborator.

ulises gason Node.js for Beginners

On npm

  • ​simple-release-tools​​ — A simple tools to automate releases. By Dan Green, active maintainer of the conventional-changelog project.
  • ​nanoviews​​ — Another one from Dan Green, this package is a small non-virtual DOM manipulation library. Very early development phase in case you wanted to jump in and contribute.


New Security Vulnerabilities

Node.js Tip of the Week

🔮 New Node.js feature is environment variables support — You can keep using dotenv, or you can remove it and spin up Node.js with:

Terminal window
node --env-file=./.env

and it will automatically populate your process.env:

nodejs environment variables support with --env


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