Express 5 with Security Fixes, Anti-Patterns in Node.js configuration, Profiling Node.js & local-first Logging System, and Deno new reference API docs

Express 5 released after 10 years with security fixes

Express 5 released after 10 years with significant Security fixes - The release includes security fixes for Express and its related utilities (the body-parser npm package and others), features the establishment of a Security WG, a Threat Model and welcomes discussions for Express Forward.

Headlines json example for nodejs

​​Environment variables and configuration anti patterns in Node.js applications​ — Do you use .env.development ? or maybe _process.env[KEY]_ ? These are just a few of regular Node.js configuration anti-patterns I see in web applications this is a long post on them.

​​Best Practices for Bootstrapping a Node.js Application Configuration​ — A direct continuation to the above article, these are my opinionated best practices for managing configuration in Node.js applications.

​​​Profiling Node.js Applications​ — A well-rounded step-by-step blog posts on how to use the internal Node.js profiler, DevTools, the Node.js Inspector and the perf tool. Serving a good introduction to the scope of finding performance bottlenecks.

Deno 🦖 adds new Reference API docs​ - Clearly states Deno APIs, Web APIs, and Node.js APIs as reference documentation for Deno developers.

wow Coinbase just recently shelled $500,000 in their bug bounty program 😮💰

coinbase paid 500,000 USD in their bug bounty program

​​​Analyzing Real-World Node.js Command Injection Examples​.

​​errsole.js​ — An open-source and local-first logger dashboard for Node.js local development which is actually pretty genius because it’s the convenient way to scour through logs instead of reading terminal output.


🧠 Quiz: Does anyone want to take a guess on the multiple security vulnerabilities in this 2024 Node.js API REST tutorial? 🥱

vulnerabilities in NodeJS API REST Tutorial

📦 On npm

New Security Vulnerabilities

FAQ: What is Prototype Pollution?

🔮 Node.js Tip of the Week

New Node.js feature is a fancy Deno-like process permissions model - Node.js has those built in with --experimental-permission flag

node --env-file=.env --experimental-permission server.js

Here’s how it looks like in practice:

NodeJS has a Deno-like process permission-model

💼 Hiring

general pattern for writing memory leak tests for specific functions/code

  1. do a thing N times;
  2. run GC;
  3. record RSS;
  4. do a thing N times again, 100 or 1000 times;
  5. run GC;
  6. record RSS;
  7. If RSS at end - start > 5 MB or so, it leaks[​​
    ​ — Jarred Sumner, ​​July 6, 2024​​

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